Building Analytics for COVID-19 and Post-COVID-19 Building Operations
Thursday, September 17, 2020
2:00-3:00 PM Eastern
Approved for 1 AIA LU
Abstract: The current global pandemic brings so much uncertainty into our day to day lives. This informative webinar explores how HVAC building analytics can be leveraged to detect faults that compromise occupant safety, and report on health compliance standards, while still ensuring that we are not wasting energy unnecessarily in the process. Regular communication with building occupants will go a long way to alleviate fears around the transmission of COVID-19 in indoor spaces.
Along with examples of compliance reports, we will investigate how your energy consumption and reporting may be impacted by COVID-19 and provide recommendations on how to obtain the data needed to improve accuracy. Finally, we discuss tips on how to best communicate the results of compliance monitoring to occupants, bringing peace of mind to everyone who enters your buildings.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn how building analytics can be used for both fault detection and compliance reporting
- Learn what type of sensors will add the most value to your compliance monitoring
- Learn how your energy reporting initiatives may need to adapt to accommodate changing occupancy
- Learn how to communicate results and gain trust from building occupants
Presented By:
CopperTree Analytics:ย CopperTree Analytics is a provider of building and energy analytics solutions, drawing upon 30 years of controls manufacturing and smart building experience. We take your buildingโs data and turn it into actionable insights, helping you save money and energy while maintaining occupant comfort levels. Take control of managing all of your resources, and realize your building potential.
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